Saturday, October 17, 2009

Too Close for Comfort

I saw this as I was on my way back to the office last Friday at around 1:25 pm. At the corner of Tomas Morato and E. Rodriguez Avenue, just one block from the village where I stay.

I thought it was just a car accident, someone losing his brakes and crashing into the wall. It was only during the evening news that I learned that it was a botched up robbery attempt. That a shootout occurred. And that the victim was killed.

And this is not the first time it has happened in the area. Earlier this year, a woman executive was gunned down in broad daylight as she sat in traffic in an apparent carnapping attempt.

This is just too close to home. Tomas Morato is where I work. It is where my son goes to school. It is where I spend most of my week days.

It is a neighborhood that I now share with robbers and murderers.

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